Friday, February 21, 2020

Social, Political and Economic influence on Art Assignment

Social, Political and Economic influence on Art - Assignment Example In contrast, Beckett, (1994) argues that the Rococo art derived meaning from opposing the earlier era and its thematic representations. With progressive shift away from wealth and authority. The creation was associated with low touch and minimal design. It portrayed how civilian were reacting to the wealth associated with Kings and royalty instead focusing on normal societal order, creating with it a new and vibrant art style that was less wealthy but representing a frivolous style one that seemed unaware of social predicaments and championing its own gratification. .H. Fragonard, The Swing (figure 1) was one of the most famous paintings of the Rococo era. In this painting a lady is painted on a swing pushed by a bishop so that Ricardo Claude could see the legs. In can be analyzed that the lady has no ability of her mental faculties, essentially what she cares about is her environment. The tones used to represent the extreme sweetness with a light brush stroke. The painting therefore portrays a love affair between the lady on the swing and the man. The painting is conceived with deep symbolism of two small stones indicating a dolphin, and stone Cupid is symbolizing the love affair scene. The husband is placed at the back of the painting to suggest his unawares of her wife’s infidelity. The painter uses a typical rococo style by placing the woman on top of this love affair, a characteristic of rococo painting. The color and the tone are expressed by light brush strokes with an overflowing palette color displaying.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Student Counseling Service Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Student Counseling Service - Research Proposal Example b. Question #2: The wording of the question must change as: Which of the following best describes your age The responses given are ambiguous, e.g. 19 - 20 years; 20-25 years and so on. Where would the age of 20 years be captured The correct responses should be: Less than or equal to 18 19 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30 and so on. d. Question #4: The question can be restated as: What is your religious affiliation Closed-ended options could be provided in the response list: Protestant Christian Roman Catholic Jewish Evangelical Christian Muslim Hindu Buddhist Others (please specify) e. Question #5: This is an ambiguous double barreled statement. Two issues, namely, cultural and religious, are mixed up here. It would be prudent to separate the two issues, and use a Likert scale for capturing the responses. The restated questions could be: In your opinion, the primary reason for seeking counseling service is: f. Question #6: The word "crises" is an inconsistent usage of terminology. Also, the period during which the services have been sought is not explicit. The question should be restated as: How many times between June 2005 and June 2007, have you used counseling service In the response list, 'several times', 'regular basis' is ambiguous. The response options should be recast as: Less than or equal to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 h. ... Asian - Pacific Islander Native American Others (please specify) d. Question #4: The question can be restated as: What is your religious affiliation Closed-ended options could be provided in the response list: Protestant Christian Roman Catholic Jewish Evangelical Christian Muslim Hindu Buddhist Others (please specify) e. Question #5: This is an ambiguous double barreled statement. Two issues, namely, cultural and religious, are mixed up here. It would be prudent to separate the two issues, and use a Likert scale for capturing the responses. The restated questions could be: In your opinion, the primary reason for seeking counseling service is: Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Cultural factors: Religious factors: f. Question #6: The word "crises" is an inconsistent usage of terminology. Also, the period during which the services have been sought is not explicit. The question should be restated as: How many times between June 2005 and June 2007, have you used counseling service In the response list, 'several times', 'regular basis' is ambiguous. The response options should be recast as: Less than or equal to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 g. Question #7: Not found... reflects casual approach to survey design h. Question #8: The question posed is not amenable to an objective analysis. A Likert scale is recommended. The question could be recast as: In your opinion, how would you rate the interactions of counseling staff with you: Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree